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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


Life as a corper


Much to my delight, i was given a room to sleep after having dinner with everyone. My delight was that i wasn’t going to share the room nor bed with Tessy, which earlier was my major worry. The last thing i wanted was sleeping with her under everyones nose, something which could send across a terrible message and perhaps be explosive in future.

I really never knew what prompted her into allowing a room to be arranged seperately for me. As usual i knew there equally was a reason for that, but seriously it really was one of her decisions i accepted with good faith.
She came in fifteen minutes after i had settled down to keep me company. Sitting on the bed, she caressed my chest for a while, smiling at me.

“how are you feeling?” she asked sweetly,

“fine” i murmured with a smile, very eager to ask what she told her parents about me.

“everyone likes you. Hope you like my family too?” she asked curiously,

“yea, yea, they are nice people” i replied politely. She breathed deeply, putting a finger into my mouth.

“i should let you rest. Tomorrow we really have a lot to do. First i will introduce you to my community, before we prepare for the main event we came here for” she said softly, while i almost choked out of shock.

“so you see i have nothing to hide from you and i really do expect you to reciprocate the gesture by formally introducing me to your family, and what time will be better if not this coming christmas, just few months away. Good night my love” she added, gave me a kiss and left quietly, leaving me disoriented and speechless.
Things really were moving in a zig-zag kind of motion. I really couldn’t pin point the exact direction she was leading me to. Yet like a blind man, all i did was think.

I had to speak to someone that night, just to calm my mind. I decided to call Frank who i really havn’t been telling some of my latest stories.
He really was surprised to answer my call by that hour and equally was more surprised when i told him where i was.

“you now do your thing alone and Secretly nowadays, because you think you have upgraded. I’m now old school to you abi. A master will forever be a master. I taught you almost everything about s-x and women and even read your future to you. Remember i predicted you will do terrible things, it’s now happening, but i never said where it would lead you. Hmmm my brother it will lead you to your doom. You have crossed the line with Tessy, please end everything once you leave that village, Unless you are willing to sacrifice your manhood. She could leave you impotent oooo. Let me repeat. You crossed the line bro. You shouldn’t have followed her home. No man follows a woman he has no plans for to her home. Hmmm you are inside a boiling pot. Your destiny is being cooked oooo! He exclaimed, putting more fear into me.

Yet deep down, i still was indecisive.

The next day Tessy took me round the community, stopping and greeting everyone we ran into, both young and old. Many people stared at us with surprise but never uttered a single word to me, {apart from the usual hello that came from exchanging pleasantries}.

I really was very uncomfortable, but kept a bold face, while Tessy was as happy as a child.

The traditional marriage we attended later in the evening was however the major event she came to the village for and also the occasion that drew thousands of stares upon us.
She attended the event, dressed in a super expensive, well tailored native attire, with a huge head gear popularly known as canopy on her head. She was nothing but gorgeous, so queenly, so beautiful, so breathtaking. Wow she truly was blessed in the art of making herself look awesome. I however was simply dressed in a well ironed white long sleeved shirt, black trouser and shoes with my dark sunglass to match.

There was commotion as we walked into the already filled up arena by 4:48pm. Everyones attention were on us, forcing the M.C to quickly recognize the pretty queen by my side, but surprisingly we weren’t invited to the high table. I later came to find out that the marriage ceremony was actually being held in her ex husband’s community. Infact three poles away from her matrimonial home.

“do you know why we are really here?” Tessy quietly asked after we had settled down.

“i think it’s for the trad. Marriage, but it seems there is something else huh?” i murmured inquisitively,

“of course there is. The main reason i came here is to show you off to my ex husband’s people. I want them to see that i’m doing well for myself. They are all vipers, the only friend i still have here is the young girl who is getting traditionally married today” she explained with fire in her eyes. I swallowed hard, extremely scared and nervous. I turned round to see people still staring at us and gossiping.

“you should have told me about this on time” i cried,

“well you now know” she replied with an evil smile. I closed my eyes and drew back on my chair, sweating and thinking.

“what is this woman trying to do?, what kind of point is she trying to prove? This is outrageously insane” i murmured to myself, moreover rumour sells and flies faster than the wind in villages.
“who knows what she’s telling people about me?” i wondered.

The marriage ceremony soon came to an end, everywhere became rowdy as people headed towards various directions. As we joined the crowd to leave, about ten youths, though not rough looking blocked us.

“the community elders wants to see you” one of them said to Tessy, who hissed arrogantly.

“anty!, custom is custom, you have to answer the elders call or we will have no choice than to use force even though we will be ashamed to do it, because you are still our brother’s wife” he pleaded politely.
Tessy coloured and froze. I too was stunned.


We were led to a canopy where about ten elderly men sat, drinking palm wine. We politely greeted them, standing respectfully some steps away. There was silence as they examined us like a group of judges. My heart pounded furiously as we waited for them to say something.

“young man who are you? We never sent for you?” one of the elders asked, pointing at me.

“you can go wait for me at the car” Tessy instantly whispered, giving me her car keys. I quickly took my leave without another word and waited for her at the car.

She showed up twenty minutes later looking very upset and broke. I felt like asking her the problem but i held myself. It truly was obvious the elders threw a hard rock at her.

“my husband and i are already divorced, what else do they want eeh? Imagine i still can’t have fun because to them, i was only returned to my people not divorced” she rattled seriously as she drove home.

“but has your bride price been returned?” i heard myself ask. She kept quiet for a while, breathing deeply.

“so you think the fuzz is because my bride price is yet to be returned?” she asked.

“i really don’t know much about tradition and i may be wrong, but i think a marriage can’t be fully over traditionally, until the bride price is returned” i answered.

“if that’s the case, i will let my parents work on it immediately” she concluded..


Tessy came into my room later in the night after a long talk with her parents. Lying beside me, she played with my chest for a while, before dropping a bundle of naira notes on it.
“its a hundred thousand Naira. I’m sorry i couldn’t make it up to the amount i promised you. I really made some unplanned expenses. When next you come visiting, i will complete it” she quietly appealed.

“thanks alot, you have tried” i smiled at her, dropping the money on a stool {close to the bed}. She raised up her head, and brought it down quietly, kissing me.

Early sunday morning, Tessy headed back to Abuja, dropping me at the spot she picked me on friday, because i lied to her that i was heading back to my PPA. I took a bus from there and headed straight to Enugu, primarily to get my car.
Mum and my little sisters weren’t around when i got home. They were still at the church, giving me little time to relax and plan my next move.

I really was indecisive on whether to wait for them to show up before leaving again, or to leave a note for them and head out. I truly couldn’t come to any conclusion and so decided to fetch my car keys and warm my car, buying more time in the process. But on getting to my reading table i couldn’t find my car keys nor the keys to dad’s car {which i dropped few days ago}. I was alarmed, rushing over to mum’s room, i searched everywhere but couldn’t find them nor any other car keys.

I quickly knew mum was behind it and needed no divination to tell me that she has cracked down hard on me with a heavy sanction. My thoughts instantly went to the family’s bank accounts{i had unlimited access to after dad’s death}. My heart froze.

I confronted mum the instant she returned from church {with my younger sisters}, asking of the car keys. She simply ignored me, and went about with her business. An action which greatly annoyed me, because i hate being ignored.

Supposing she wasn’t my mother, i fear i would have reacted violently to her behaviour, but all i did was just to fume and curse, yet she continued to ignore me.
Was she even surprised to see me at home that sunday?, she never showed it.

Yea i knew i was fasting changing from a pleasant boy to an annoying lad. She too was also fast turning into an obnoxious woman.

I ran into my room, angry, confused and clueless on what next to do. I really was very bitter, and more bitter when i couldn’t come up with any solution.
By 1:45pm, i grabbed my bag and left my room, running into mum at the sitting room. She instantly froze as soon as she noticed the bag i was carrying.
“and may i know where you are going mister?” she asked curiously,

“i’m heading back to my PPA” i answered coldly,

“but you just got back?, infact where are you coming from?” she asked. I breathed deeply, looking down at my feet.

“from a friend’s wedding, i’m sorry i didn’t tell you on friday” i murmured. She scoffed, breathing out hot air with her mouth.

“you see your life?, seriously i don’t know you anymore. You are giving me headache more than ten boys put together. I’m tired, seriously i’m” she scolded angrily.
“an evil spirit is definetly inside you. You need deliverance. You need God. This is exactly what happens when a boy refuses to follow God’s path, attend church programmes and listen to God’s word” she continued, annoying me immensely.

“enough mum, enough!. Everybody isn’t going to heaven, let me be” i screamed angrily, stunning her.

“infact i’m leaving bye” i barked, walking away furiously.

“where are you going?” she asked, running after me. But i ignored her and left the house, even though i felt empty and weak inside. I really didn’t know what was happening to me, i sure needed help, but i couldn’t just accept the truth.

I got to the junction, flagged down and boarded a taxi heading to the bus station, relaxing a bit as the taxi sped by.

Nothing shatters the life of a youth more than living a double life.
I was becoming more and more hopeless by each passing day.

“No one comes into this world foolish, but we can choose to be foolish by our actions”.

To me, Tessy was like the pied piper of Hamelin. Luring me to doom with sweet, irresistable melody.


I headed back to my PPA that sunday afternoon, very dejected and sad. I equally regretted leaving the house in such manner, and i couldn’t help but wonder the condition i left my poor mother.

I knew she really won’t relax for the rest of that day. I felt like calling to apologize but something stopped me.

On getting to my lodge, i met Jenny sitting outside {on a pavement} with four other corpers from the neighbouring community. I politely greeted them before entering my room, where i quickly settled down, falling asleep almost instantly.
My ringing phone however woke me by 6:15pm. I lazily sat up, It was my immediate younger sister calling from Abuja.

“what is it with you eeh?, why must you insult mum?, don’t you know she’s very important to us?. I won’t forgive you, if anything happens to her. I have been keeping quiet all these while, but i think it’s time someone tells you the truth” she shouted, forcing me to hang up the call rudely. I couldn’t take being insulted by her.

Jenny came into my room minutes later. She quietly sat on my bed, staring at me curiously.
“you weren’t looking bright when you came in this afternoon, what’s the matter?” she asked quietly.

“my car developed a big fault this afternoon” i lied,

“which one?” she asked,

“the old one” i replied with a weary face.

“Our A.I and Z.I{Nysc area inspector and zonal inspector} were here yesterday” she informed me, changing the topic.

“what for?” i asked curiously,

“a batch A corper from the neighbouring secondary school, got involved in a fight with a group of boys over a girl. Apparently he was having relations with the girl when the boys attacked him demanding to have their own share. An argument started leading to a fight which escalated into a village affair, when the girl’s parents heard of it, threatening fire and brimestone. The A.I was unable to handle the issue because things got complicated. The boys are being accused of molestation” she narrated, while i sighed.

Having intimate relations with locals or secondary school girls never was my thing. I seriously don’t know what most male corpers see in it. Yea i know i equally was no saint, but taking advantage and decieving students who we were supposed to teach, clearly is an abuse of power and privilege. Betraying our conscience, country and uniform just for few minutes of pleasure.

I had a very bad night that sunday, from one terrible dream to another. I woke up the next morning{monday} feeling very sour and weak. A phone call from home soon shook me into consciousness. It was my little sister calling.

“brother, mummy is very sick, we don’t know what is wrong with her. Our Mummy no longer talks coherently. We are confused over here” she sobbed, seriously shocking me with the breaking news.

I felt very bad and guilty after my little sister’s phone call. I knew i was the cause of mum’s breakdown. Without thinking clearly, i quickly dressed up and headed home.

“I couldn’t just stay at my PPA doing nothing when my home is on fire”.
Luckily a doctor {a very close friend of mum} was at our house when i arrived four hours later. I relaxed, heaving a sigh of relief.

“c’mon don’t tell me you are coming from Imo state?” she asked, smiling deeply.

“i had to come because i don’t know the extent of her condition, how is she?, my sister told me she talks incoherently” i asked curiously. The doctor breathed deeply, shaking her head.

“her bl0*d pressure rose to an alarming level, which invariably affected her brain and speech, but she’s now calm and resting. By the end of the day, her body system will be back to normal” she explained.

“do you think so?” i asked, almost in tears.

“yea the next thing would have been stroke, but luckily she’s a strong woman. I believe her bl0*d pressure will come down to at least 120/100 by the end of the day. Her speech and everything will come back to normal” she smiled, while i murmured quick prayers.

“i’m off to work, i will call later to know how well she’s doing, please you guys shouldn’t disturb her” she advised and left. I breathed deeply, collasping on a couch and regreting all my stupid actions.

“what would i have done, supposing she had a heart attack or stroke?” i wondered, staring at my two little sisters who came up to me that moment.

“you didn’t go to school?” i asked them curiously. They shrugged and sat by my side looking troubled and grim.
Seriously the devil almost succeeded in wreaking havock on my family through me.

I dutifully attended to mum for the rest of that day, baby sitting, and serving her like a saint. She never asked how nor when i got back home. She equally never looked surprised to see me. Just like the doctor predicted she quickly regained herself. By 6:30pm she was on her feet, healthy and strong. My joy really was enormous. I promised myself never to cause her grief again.

“How would i have faced my family or taken responsibility supposing something very terrible happened to her?”.

By 6:58pm, i was extremely shocked to see my immediate younger sister and Adaora show up from Abuja. I never had the faintest idea that they were coming.
I felt bad putting everyone on the edge.
I equally can never forget the cold look of disgust Adaora gave me that evening.
Her presence however made me to realise something so touching.

“so what did i Realise?” hmmmmm.


Later at night, i apologized to mum, promising to be of good behaviour. She simply breathed deeply, shaking her head.
“please let me be” was all she could say to me.

I also apologized to my immediate younger sister.
“you know i have always watched your back. Please don’t drag issues with mum ever again” she pleaded.

Adaora’s room was my last port of call that night. After speaking with my sister, i sneaked into Adaora’s room to talk to her. I really was very hopeful as i sneaked into her room, because her presence made me realise she still cared for my family.
She was busy with her computer when i walked in. I quietly locked the door and waited, staring at her.

“may i come in?” i asked innocently. She looked up at me, rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“why ask such question when you are already inside?” she asked.

“alright please may i come closer?” i rephrased my question,

“you are free to sit on the bed, but don’t dare to touch me” she replied, making space for me on the bed. I smiled, drew close and sat quietly.

“i really can’t believe you made mum fall sick” she murmured, her eyes still fixed on her computer.

“mum really hasn’t been herself since we broke up. She keeps blaming me over it and now finds fault in everything i do. I think you are also to be blamed” i replied quietly. She froze for a second, turned and faced me.

“no no no, don’t go there. Don’t try blaming me. It wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I did what every respectable lady would have done. Mum even understood my plight” she defended herself seriously.

“but you accused me wrongly. God knows i have nothing intimate going on with Tessy” i spoke out emotionally.

“i like you, i love your family. We have been through alot together. Don’t think for once that you can still lie to me and get away with it. Not with issues concerning Tessy and her crew. I know alot my dear, much more than you can ever imagine. I have one advice for you. ‘stay away from that b.itch” she poured out with a coloured face. I stared at her speechlessly, clueless on what next to say.

“I love you Adaora and that’s all that matters. I know you still love me. Tell me, are you seriously willing to throw me off the mountain we climbed together?” i asked quietly, my heart pounding furiously. To me it seemed like that moment was my last opportunity to reconcile with her. I knew her love was still strong, but forgetting the past is really something so hard to do.

I truly have wronged and betrayed her alot. My sins really were beyond pardon, moreover it wasn’t as if i was ready to turn fully from my bad ways.
She knew Tessy had a strong influence over me, and i equally felt she really wasn’t sure about the type of relationship i was having with her, even though with my nature she strongly believed we were having a relationship.

However there is something about love that is truly unbelieving. Love makes us blind to our partner’s faults, short-comings and errors. Love makes us swallow our pride, ego and sometimes dignity, making us do something really beyond imagination. I knew i pushed Adaora to the limit, but her closeness to my family and the love she had for me, really wasn’t something that time could swallow easily.

We stared at each other, our thoughts running wildly. I had great urge to kiss her, but i held myself.

“my heart is yet to heal from the wound you inflicted on it, and here i’m about to offer it back to you again” she finally sobbed, hiding her face with a pillow. I swallowed hard and held her, my eyes wet with unshed tears.

“i’m scared of that woman, i’m scared of Tessy. She’s an evil wind that will blow us no good. Swear to me that from now onwards you will have nothing to do with her. You are going to swear with my bl0*d” she proposed inbetween sobs. I softly caressed my wounded queen, calming her down.
Her words or should i say proposal, really struck me dumb.

“maybe i didn’t hear her right” i reasoned, shaking my head.

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A gentle knock on Adaora’s door finally wrapped up the tension between us.

“who could it be?” i wondered, cursing my luck as i drew away from Adaora, who equally composed herself by quickly sitting upright and facing the door.

The door gently opened, revealing my immediate younger sister who was extremely surprised to see me in the room. She stood hesitantly at the door, silently staring at us.

“why are you standing as if you have seen a ghost, did you see any?” Adaora jokingly asked. My sister smiled, relaxing and coming forward, while i shifted uncomfortably, a bit angry at her. There was no doubt her presence spoiled my night.

I quietly stood up forcing out a smile, Adaora stared at me saying nothing.

“actually i came to borrow your laptop” my sister quickly said to Adaora, trying to look for a way out. But there really wasn’t any need for it, because i already had made up my mind to leave the room.

“good night” i smiled to both of them, walking out instantly without waiting for a reply.
“dam.n” i cursed as i walked to my room.

However another opportunity presented itself early the next day. My mother left for the hospital with my immediate younger sister, while the last three left for their respective schools, leaving Adaora and i alone at the house.

I wasted no time in seeking her out. She was arranging her hair when i walked into her room.
I smiled, drew close and held her shoulders from behind.

“i know you will be here” she murmured, staring at me through the wall mirror she was facing.

“can we go out and grab a bite or something” i asked nervously. She scoffed, stood up, faced me and rolled her eyes.

“i’m not hungry, thanks” she replied, walked to her bed and sat down. I approached her again, squatting by her side.

“we seriously need to make up, we really need to fix our relationship” i poured out emotionally.

“oh please!, is it by force?” she rasped, eyeing me coldly.

“oh yes it is by force” i breathed hotly. She stared at me in wonder, saying nothing.

“Adaora we are made for each other, i refuse to fall off this mountain alone. Queen of my heart, i can’t survive the fall without you. See how terrible you have left me” i poured out, my lips close to hers, my hands grasping her soft shoulders strongly.

She tried to free herself but my grip was very strong. I roughly kissed her lips, ears, jaw, throat, wherever my tongue could reach. I was all over her as if my life depended on what i was doing.
Oh yes it really was, because my hope, destiny, future and life was all wrapped up in front of her. I needed to secure her heart once again, i needed to set things right, i had to do all it takes to make my family happy again.

She finally moaned, when my romance became too much to bear and resist. My hormones soared high as i felt the soft flesh of her left b—m.

“Oh my God, what are you trying to do?” she cried weakly.


I continued my romance, caressing and whispering sweets words into her ears. She moaned for a while before putting up a final resistance, which was so strong that i had no choice than to pull away from her when she screamed with a very loud voice.

“stop it, stop it, stop it!!!” she screamed like someone attacked by an evil genie. I broke away from her, breathing deeply, my heart pounding furiously.

“what were you trying to do?” she asked with a coloured face. I swallowed hard, facing her with a smile and saying nothing.

“no, seriously, tell me what you were trying to do?” she asked again. I still kept quiet.

“all you care about me is my body. At every given opportunity you pounce on it like an animal. Don’t try what you just did next time. Even if we are getting back together, you are never going to see my nakedness until we get married. It’s better you know now” she said seriously, backing me.
“and about last night, forget about everything i said. I really wasn’t myself when i said those words” she added. I drew close, gently touching her left shoulder. I wanted to make an appeal, but she quickly pushed away my hand, turned and stared at me furiously.

“it’s like you didn’t get what i just told you eeh?, please leave me room. Leave now” she shouted, forcing me to draw back, biting my lips.

“Adaora really was a wonderful girl, but her temper, strong and proud character sometimes made me wonder if she truly is the right woman for me”. I hate arguing or exchanging words with her because it could be very disastrous.
Perhaps it was because of her temper which was almost like that of my first girlfriend “Christy” {season1 + deleted scenes} was one of the main reasons she sticked with me through many falls, because i understood and accomodated her strong character.

I quietly turned and walked towards the door. I really wasn’t happy with her, but equally couldn’t blame her either. To me i was the one at fault.

“i’m sorry for shouting at you. I know i crossed the limit with my outburst” i heard her apologize as i turned the door knob. I turned, stared at her for a while, forcing out a smile.

“you don’t have to apologize. I understand” i replied. She breathed deeply, stood up and walked towards me.

“come give me a hug” she said, smiling at me. I hesitated for a moment as i stared at her speechlessly. She came forward and hugged me tighly, calming my spirit with her action.

“dearest, only if….” i breathed and stopped.

“only if what?” she asked curiously, breaking away from me. I closed my eyes, my heart still furiously beating.

I really had a lot to tell her, but i didn’t know if the opportunity that presented itself was the right moment to do so…

Hmmmm, only if….

only if what?” she asked again, her eyes fully on me.

“you are a very wonderful and understanding girl, but you see sometimes your strong character makes it look otherwise. We have talked about this problem countless times. Only if you can learn to control your temper, I believe you will be a more likeable person” i said to her calmly. She looked away, breathing deeply and thinking over my words.

“so my character is the cause of our problems?, my character made you cheat on me countless times, my character is to be blamed for everything that is happening between us?” she asked with a coloured face, drawing away from me. I quickly held her strongly.

“no not at all my dear, i’m only talking about your personality not our relationship. I pray you understand me” i explained seriously. She kept quiet, giving me the opportunity to hug her softly. I closed my eyes as her head rested on my left shoulder.

“i love you very much my darling, let’s make this relationship work again. I swear i won’t let you down ever again” i pleaded religously.

“that’s what you always say, but you end up disgracing me. You insult my womanhood each time you cheat on me. I don’t think any girl will be very understanding and accomodating to you the way i have been” she replied.

“i know dear, i know” i murmured,

“fine, i’ll give you another chance, let me try you out again, but it will be under some conditions” she seriously said, breaking away from me.

“i hope there won’t be any bl0*d oath?” i asked myself as i nodded in agreement.

“you will have to end everything you have with that Tessy woman, business, anything. I won’t want to hear of her again. Secondly, you won’t question my motive nor resist any attempt i make in checkmating your every action and lastly there won’t be any s#xual intercourse nor anything like romance between us until i say so. Are you good with my conditions?” she asked curiously. I smiled and nodded,

“of course i’m cool with it” I replied, wondering how it was all going to work out.

“fine that means we are back together” she smiled sweetly.
“you know the atitude you carry on in life will determine your future, don’t let me regret my decision” she pleaded.

I left her room satisfied but doubtful. Satisfied that i had fixed my relationship once again, but doubtful on how long it will last.
I got to my room to see my phone ringing, I quickly picked it from the bed and gasped as i saw who was calling.
It was no other person than Elinor.

“what on earth is she calling for?” i asked myself, wondering if she was calling from the hospital bed where i left her or from her home.

My heart furiously pounded as i answered her call……

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

Interesting story and full of suspense but too many repetition of words (swallowed hard, shrugged, scoffed, biting of lips, etc)

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